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Opening handhelds

Jul 3, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Jason Brooks, writing for eWEEK, reports on a handful of efforts to port Linux to handheld devices including PDAs and tablets. Key players in this effort are Compaq, Hitachi, Acer, Samsung, and NEC. These activities are certain to accelerate the use of embedded Linux in an even broader range of embedded applications.

Brooks writes . . .

“Compaq Computer Corp.'s recent announcement of the Open Handheld Program marks an important step toward bringing open-source operating systems such as Linux and FreeBSD to handheld devices –beginning with Compaq's recently released iPaq H3600.”

“The Open Handheld Program stands to succeed where others have failed because Compaq has committed to providing software, development hardware and documentation in support of the project. This support will extend to drivers, X terminal emulation, handwriting recognition, touch-screens and multimedia, . . .”

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