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OSDL adds POSIX tests to its free online Linux kernel test platform

Dec 2, 2004 — by Henry Kingman — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

The OSDL (Open Source Development Labs) has added open source POSIX tests to its online service that tests Linux kernel patches. It added the Open POSIX Test Suite (OPTS) to its Scalable Test Platform (STP) in cooperation with Bull, a company that sells servers and server software.

The OSDL describes OPTS as an open source community project designed to make it easier to port applications from other POSIX platforms to Linux. POSIX, the “portable operating system interface,” is a standard of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). Currently, the OPTS project has developed tests for threads, message queues, semaphores, and signals.

The OSDL says the OPTS tests are available now, and can be run through a remote web interface on systems with up to eight processors. Patches are automatically tested against different Linux kernel builds. Results from the OSDL's STP tests are public. Source code for both the STP and the OPTS is available under the GNU GPL license.

Sebastien Decugis of Bull's NPTL Test and Trace Project said, “POSIX compliance and testing are valued by enterprise Linux customers, who are often porting applications from other POSIX-compliant systems.”

The OSDL says Bull has contributed significantly to the OPTS project, and led the effort to integrate the OPTS tests with STP.

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