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PalmOS is losing ground in Europe

Mar 14, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

According to this article by Michael Kanellos of CNET, although Palm controls the lion's share of the overall market for handheld computers, its market dominance is slipping in Europe. During 2000, Palm's share of the European PDA market declined from 59 to 55 percent. In contrast, the combined Pocket PC (a.k.a. Windows CE) market share attributable to PDAs manufactured by HP and Compaq increased from 18 to 31 percent.

Interestingly, HP is known to be considering a switch to Embedded Linux, while Compaq founded the project which supports Embedded Linux on its iPAQ PDA. Over the past year, the iPAQ has become a veritable reference platform for Embedded Linux PDA software development and has now begun to be offered preloaded with Embedded Linux.

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