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PCs: Redefining ‘entertainment’ [CNET]

Apr 15, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

CNET editors Michael Kanellos and David Becker report on a new Microsoft technology that will soon start showing up on high-end Windows-based PCs: Freestyle. With features similar to the successful embedded Linux powered TiVo including remote control, Freestyle targets the emerging digital video entertainment space. Kanellos and Becker write . . .

“This holiday season, a new breed of Windows PCs will land on store shelves. The question is whether people will go for them.”

“Hewlett-Packard, Samsung and some other PC manufacturers will be selling upscale Windows XP computers with Freestyle, an additional software module from Microsoft that lets consumers use their PCs to record TV programs like a TiVo set-top box. Freestyle PCs will also come with a remote control.”

“It hasn't been determined whether Microsoft will eventually integrate Freestyle fully into the OS to create a new species of XP, or how much more Freestyle PCs will cost . . .”

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