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PocketAnywhere’s first look at the Sharp Zaurus

Apr 6, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Dave Ruske takes a quick look the Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 at PocketAnywhere. Ruske writes . . .

Long before anyone heard of Palm, Sharp owned a large segment of the electronic organizer market. These gadgets were little more than address books, calendars, and calculators all rolled into one, and usually offered a simple keyboard-based interface. Then Palm blasted onto the scene, eventually licensing their OS. Microsoft came from behind with some clamshell flops, then a “Palm-size PC” flop, then finally a credible Pocket PC with some strong hardware support from names like HP and Compaq. It seemed as though Sharp had been lost.”

“Now Sharp has once again entered the game with their new SL-5500 Personal Mobile Tool (which I'll call a PDA anyway). This device targets the high-end of the handheld computer/PDA market, an area currently dominated by Microsoft's Pocket PC.”

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