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QNX on the iPAQ?

Sep 1, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 2 views

According to a posting at Slashdot, there is a port of QNX to the Compaq iPAQ PDA, and it will be shown at the Embedded Systems Conference next week in Boston . . .

“iPaq just got new gracious looks. QNX microkernel and the gracious Photon micro GUI did wonders to iPaq. Get a sneak preview here. If you are in Boston next week, be sure to drop by Embedded Systems Boston to try your hands at the qPaq… ;)”

Screenshots, which appear to be of QNX running on the iPAQ, are available in a “staff” area of the QNX website, located here. Note the labeling “QNX iPAQ” at the bottom righthand corner of each screenshot.

The Slashdot discussion is located here.

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