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Qt/Embedded and Qt Palmtop Environment available for download

Nov 11, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

Mountain View, CA — (press release) — Trolltech is proud to present the release of Qt/Embedded, version 2.2.2. For the first time, Qt/Embedded is released under both a commercial and an open source license, the GPL (GNU General Public License). Also released today is the Qt Palmtop Environment, which is the first Personal Information Management (PIM) package for embedded Linux released under the GPL.

“With this release, open source developers can now extend beyond the traditional desktop,” said Warwick Allison, Trolltech's lead Qt/Embedded developer. “Programmers can now port their favorite open source Qt-based applications over to embedded devices, such as PDAs.”

The Qt Palmtop Environment is a complete Windowing System, Window Manager, Application Launcher, Input Methods (virtual keyboard, etc.), commercial-grade GEI toolkit, and a collection of useful applications, all written using the Qt API — the same API found on Qt/X11 and Qt/Windows. But the Qt Palmtop Environment uses Qt/Embedded, so there is no need for an X11 server, no extra client libraries, no separate window manager, no layer-upon-layer of toolkits — Qt/Embedded works directly with the Linux framebuffer. The entire Qt Palmtop Environment requires less than 2.5 MB of memory.

Under Trolltech's GPL license option, developers using the new toolkit to create open source applications can use Qt and Qt/Embedded for free. All other developers must purchase a commercial or educational license.

Further info & downloads

Further information about Qt/Embedded and Qt Palmtop Environment, including screenshots and downloads, are available here.

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