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Reach out and Tux someone!

Aug 9, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

This article by founder Rick Lehrbaum describes Aplio's embedded-Linux based Internet phones. The devices contain an Aplio/TRIO system-on-chip and run on a version of uClinux. Cool! Best of all, they can help you slash your phone bill! Lehrbaum writes . . .

Tired of paying long distance phone bills month after month? If you're like most people reading this, you've gotten spoiled by sending unlimited emails anywhere in the world without concern for its cost. But you're still paying for long distance phone calls — right? Well, things in the phone department may be changing.

A new and relatively inexpensive “Internet phone” lets you make unlimited free phone calls anywhere in the world — without a PC. Talk as long as you like . . . as often as you like . . . and it's free!

But wait! Don't rush out and throw your “analog” telephone in the trash. Not just yet. Tomorrow's “digital” Internet phones may be here today, but they're not quite ready to totally replace traditional telephones. On the other hand, you may be able to save a bundle on your long distance phone bills — given the right circumstances . . .

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