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Red Hat adds support for AltiVec-enabled PowerPCs

Mar 11, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

San Francisco; Embedded Systems Conference — (press release excerpt) — Red Hat, Inc. today announced a strategic agreement with Motorola, Inc. to develop a GNUPro Linux toolchain and cross compiler for Motorola's AltiVec-enabled host processors based on the PowerPC instruction set architecture. As the leader in GNUPro tool development, Red Hat will provide a complete toolchain for the PowerPC instruction set architecture with full support for Motorola's AltiVec technology.

“This agreement with Red Hat is a great step forward in the availability of GNU tools that are tuned to Motorola's AltiVec-enabled PowerPC compliant host processors,” stated Bob France, director of software for Motorola Semiconductor's Networking and Computing Systems Group. “Providing complete support of AltiVec in the GNUPro toolchain for the first time, Red Hat is enabling embedded designers to not only develop Linux-based applications for PowerPC-compliant processors, but also take advantage of the wide datapaths and incredible performance that Motorola's AltiVec technology delivers.”

With Red Hat's GNUPro development toolchain, Motorola's customers will be able to develop Linux-based applications that take advantage of Motorola's powerful AltiVec 128-bit vector execution unit. The GNUPro Linux toolchain consists of a Linux PPC Native Toolchain for AltiVec-enabled PowerPC instruction set architecture compliant processors, and a cross toolchain to the PowerPC ISA with AltiVec.

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