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Report from Bluetooth North America 2001

Mar 3, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Robert La Quey attended the annual Bluetooth conference held in San Diego, CA last week and filed this report on the status of the Bluetooth market and some issues relative to Embedded Linux support for Bluetooth. La Quey writes . . .

“The Bluetooth North America 2001 conference was presented by the World Research Group at San Diego February 21-22, 2001. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group includes Promoter companies 3Com, Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Lucent, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia, and Toshiba, along with more than 2000 Adopter/Associate member companies.”

“The main focus of the conference was to analyze and explore Bluetooth markets and applications. Not surprisingly, there was considerable in depth market analysis from the Promoter companies as well as industry perspectives from a diverse group of speakers from Radio Shack, the FCC, Silicon Wave, Palm, Texas Instruments, Alcatel, and the Consumer Electronics Association.”

“With its intense emphasis on Bluetooth marketing and applications, the conference barely touched on subsidiary technologies such as embedded Linux. Probing questioning of the speakers, who were primarily marketing and product managers with Bluetooth responsibility in large companies, revealed that few of them had given much thought to the issues associated with using Bluetooth in Linux-based embedded systems. This, despite the fact that many of their products are likely to be based on embedded Linux.”

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