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RidgeRun enables shared libraries on MMU-less Linux systems

Mar 13, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

San Francisco, CA; Embedded Systems Conference — (press release excerpt) — Driving open-source prevalence further into the mass commercial market, RidgeRun Inc. announced today that it has created dynamic shared library support for developers who are creating a broad variety of applications for embedded devices.

With the industry's first shared library support for the ARM7 MMU-less Linux environment, developers can use software licensed under the Library GNU Public License (LGPL). RidgeRun made this dynamic link support available with its newly released Board Support Package (BSP) for Texas Instruments' TMS320VC5471 processor. Without dynamic link support, developers were hesitant to use code licensed under the LGPL if they had a need to keep their application code proprietary for various reasons such as partner licensing agreements or protecting trade secrets.

“Today's announcement once again demonstrates RidgeRun's efforts to strengthen Linux in the embedded marketplace,” said Dan George, Vice President of Product Development for RidgeRun. “Manufacturers of embedded products are increasingly moving from home-grown operating systems to Linux-based software such as RidgeRun's DSPLinux. And while many of our customers have code they prefer to keep proprietary for various business reasons, they are still very interested in contributing to and benefiting from open source development. Shared library support makes this possible, and RidgeRun has allowed those using MMU-less systems to take advantage of this benefit for the first time.”

Other important benefits of shared library support include reduced memory footprint through shared code, and the ability to upgrade libraries used by multiple programs in the embedded device.

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