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Sharp launches mobile services for Zaurus Linux PDA

Apr 8, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Sharp Electronics launched their 'Sharp Mobile Services' website today, and is offering a discount for beta testers.

'Sharp Mobile Services, Unwired by Aether' provides access to email and the Internet directly from a wireless-enabled Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 Personal Mobile Tools.

As part of a beta period offer (valid through June 5th), early adopters will be able to purchase a package which includes an Enfora Pocket Spider IIc CDPD modem, for only $99 (after rebate). They'll also benefit from a reduced monthly fee (until the end of the beta period) — $29.95 per month — as well as no activation fee.

After the beta period, the modem package will cost $149 (after rebate). Service will cost $39.95 per month, and $29.95 for activation.

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