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Sharp’s SL-5000D: review and interview [PMN Pubs]

Mar 1, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

In the latest feature at PMN Publications, Sandra Vogel and Marek Pawlowski review Sharp's Zaurus development model, the “SL-5000D” Linux/Java-based PDA, and interview Mark Klein, Sharp's notebooks and handhelds Marketing Manager. Vogel and Pawlowski write . . .

“Flash back to 1993 and you would have seen four products on the display counter of any London electronics retailer — the Apple Newton, HP100, Psion Series 3 and Sharp Zaurus. These four ranges dominated the nascent market for consumer handhelds in Europe. Each was distinct in its feature set — the Newton relied on its troubled handwriting recognition and large screen, HP offered DOS compatibility, Psion married a keyboard with its sleek clamshell design and Sharp opted for proprietary IC expansion cards, a keyboard and a touchscreen. Strange as it may seem in today's world of Compaqs, Palms, Handsprings and Sonys, Sharp was once one of Europe's major handheld manufacturers . . .”

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