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Small step for IBM; giant leap for Linux

Nov 2, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Though not an embedded Linux story, this news item is significant in that it indicates the growing commitment of major industry giants to Linux. ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley reports that IBM has announced what it calls the biggest Linux deal ever. Foley writes . . .

“Big Blue will outfit a Japanese convenience chain with 15,000 IBM servers running Red Hat Linux. 'We think this will be the largest Linux installation in the world,' said John Callies, IBM vice president, xSeries servers. IBM officially announced the win two days ago in Japan. IBM said the deal calls for nearly every one of Lawson's 7,600 stores to install two Linux servers, which will feed Windows-based 'Loppi' self-service multimedia terminals. These terminals will allow customers to perform a variety of tasks, including downloading music and video clips, as well as purchasing airline and concert tickets online.”

“Under terms of the deal, IBM also will provide Lawson with deployment and application-migration services. The parties declined to disclose the value of the deal.”

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