Software Development for Google Android Platform
Apr 27, 2009 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — viewsSoftware Development for Google Android Platform

Google Android platform becomes increasingly popular for latest cutting edge embedded system developments. The growth of Android developments is visible not only at conventional smart-phone market but also in media-rich consumer electronics like Set-top box appliances, netbooks, portable media players (PMP) etc.
Promwad company replies to the demands of industry by providing new Android platform related services to the customers.
Because of Embedded Linux nature of Google Android platform, backed-up by our extensive experience in Linux BSP
(board support package) development, Promwad is able to deliver high quality solutions based on Android stack.
Promwad' offer includes but not limited to:
- Android platform porting to a target hardware
- Linux kernel adaptation to make it suitable for running Android
- Android Emulator (QEMU) customization: new buttons, more simulated peripherals (Bluetooth, GPS, GSM)
- Generic user-level Android apps development
- Development of Android specific plugins for Eclipse IDE
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