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Sony PS2 ‘Linux kit’ now available for pre-order

Mar 7, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Ben Berkowitz of Reuters news service reports that Sony is adding peripherals to its popular Sony Playstation 2 and alluded to a network adapter's potential as a home media gateway. A Linux add-on kit is being made available in the US this Spring. Berkowitz writes . . .

“. . . Sony made a $199 Linux add-on kit for PS2 available for pre-order. The kit will let people use the PS2 as a computer running the Linux open-source operating system.”

“The kit ships with a keyboard and hard drive, although the hard drive will not work with PS2 games. Smith said a 40-gigabyte gaming hard drive would likely be part of phase two.”

“Sony spokeswoman Molly Smith said more details about its launch plans and additional components would be announced over the next few months.”

The Linux kit can be preordered through this link. The expected ship date is 5/22/02.

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