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SPYRUS announces DeviceSSL 1.0 with Linux support

Apr 6, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

SPYRUS announced today the availability of its DeviceSSL 1.0 toolkit. DeviceSSL is a programmer's tool for developing secure Internet applications on embedded platforms, Internet-connected devices, Internet appliances, and personal data assistants.

DeviceSSL targets three reference platforms: Linux, WindRiver VxWorks, and QNX. All source code is included and readily portable to other platforms. DeviceSSL is also the only embedded SSL toolkit that can ship today inside the United States with all source code, including the source code to the BSAFE cryptographic engine.

Please visit SPYRUS' website at to read the press release, for follow the “for further information” link to go directly to the DeviceSSL homepage.

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