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States say Microsoft exec urged Linux retaliation [Reuters]

May 14, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Peter Kaplan reports for Reuters that Microsoft executive Joachim Kempin urged his company to 'quietly retaliate' against supporters of the Linux operating system in an August 2000 memo to Bill Gates. Kaplan writes . . .

” . . . In the memo, Microsoft senior vice president Joachim Kempin complained to Gates and other senior executives that computer chip-maker Intel Corp. was encouraging computer makers to support Linux and funding development of new devices that would work with Linux.”

“Kempin said Microsoft should withhold technical information from Intel and 'work underground' to promote its competitors in the computer chip industry, according to portions of the memo disclosed . . . “

” . . . 'I would further try to restrict source code deliveries where possible and be less gracious when interpreting agreements — again without being obvious about it' Kempin wrote . . . “

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