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Sun boasts 1 million downloads for JXTA P2P comm standard

Mar 5, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Sun Microsystems announced today that more than one million developers have downloaded Project JXTA from the Sun Web site. JXTA encompasses a set of XML-based open protocols for peer-to-peer network computing applications and is, according to Sun, “the only open source, standards-based, peer-to-peer technology that supports collaboration and communication on any networked device anywhere, anytime.” …

Additionally, the JXTA community has released JXTA Version 2.0, which is said to provide enhanced scalability and performance.

“The promise of peer-to-peer computing is that devices will be able to communicate and collaborate across a wide variety of operating systems and networked devices ranging from sensors to cell phones to desktops to super servers,” commented John Fowler, chief technology officer, Software, Sun Microsystems.

About Project JXTA

From the Project JXTA website . . .

JXTA technology is a set of open protocols that allow any connected device on the network ranging from cell phones and wireless PDAs to PCs and servers to communicate and collaborate in a P2P manner.

JXTA peers create a virtual network where any peer can interact with other peers and resources directly even when some of the peers and resources are behind firewalls and NATs or are on different network transports.

Project JXTA Objectives:

  • Interoperability — across different peer-to-peer systems and communities
  • Platform independence — multiple/diverse languages, systems, and networks
  • Ubiquity — every device with a digital heartbeat

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