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Sun Releases J2ME for Linux [SDTimes]

Mar 5, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

In this SDTimes article, Edward J. Correia offers some perspective on the release by Sun Microsystems of the Java 2 Platform Micro Edition for Linux. Correia writes . . .

“With the release of the Java 2 Platform Micro Edition for Linux, Sun Microsystems Inc. extends Java's Linux reach from servers and desktops to include embedded devices, lending further affirmation to embedded Linux–a platform that has not suffered from a lack of momentum.”

” 'Sun has witnessed a sharp increase in embedded Linux development,' said Bob Tennant, Sun's group manager for J2ME. He spoke of companies currently in talks with Sun that are developing enterprise applications ranging from point-of sale terminals that display customer-specific up-sell information in real time, to gas pumps that monitor a station's fuel tanks to detect leaks and make deliveries more efficient.”

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