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TechWeb: Vendors Establish Embedded Linux Consortium

Mar 9, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Mo Krochmal writes at TechWeb . . .

“. . . 'The ELC provides a valuable resource in advancing the growing use of Linux in embedded applications, an area where Linux can provide enormous benefit,' said Linus Torvalds, the creator of the highly popular open source computer operating system that evolved out of Unix.”

“Rick Lehrbaum, who in 1983 founded Ampro, an embedded computing company, will serve as interim chairman of ELC. Lehrbaum, who resigned from Ampro in the fall, publishes a website devoted to embedded Linux. . . . 'This market is growing so fast and this shows that there is a coming of age of the technology,' Lehrbaum said. 'Linux is now going everywhere from single floppy implementations up to gigabyte implementation' . . .”

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