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The KDE Project ships KDE 3.0

Apr 4, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Here is an excerpt from an announcement today at . . .

The KDE Project today announced the immediate availability of KDE 3.0, the third generation of KDE, a free and powerful desktop for Linux and other UNIXes. KDE 3.0 is available in 50 languages and ships with the core KDE libraries, the base desktop environment, an integrated development environment (KDevelop), and hundreds of… applications and other desktop enhancements from the other KDE base packages (administration, artwork, development, edutainment, development, games, multimedia, PIM, utilities, and more). A KDE 3 port of the KDE office suite is available. Consistent with KDE's rapid and disciplined development pace, the release of KDE 3.0 includes an impressive catalog of bug fixes, performance enhancements and feature additions.

KDE, including all its libraries and its applications, is available for free under Open Source licenses. KDE can be obtained in source and numerous binary formats from the KDE http servers or ftp mirrors, and can also be obtained on CD-ROM or with any of the major Linux/UNIX systems shipping today.

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