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The MontaVista Monopoly of Minds (penguinppc)

Oct 3, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Writing at, Jeramy B. Smith comments on the growing presence of MontaVista Software in the PowerPC Linux development arena. Smith writes . . .

“Up until now, ppc/linux hackers have been a very proportionate group. Not many businesses had more than than a few bitheads coding and there was a large Academia contingent of collegiate students/teachers. With the success of TiVo, there is now a readily available example of how successful ppc/linux can work in embedded systems. If there is money to be earned in this arena then embedded companies will follow suit and hire the people who can make these systems work. Indeed, you will probably never see more people working on ppc/linux at IBM than at an embedded solutions provider.”

“One company has taken a head start at getting our best and brightest. Working for this company are such notables as Mark Hatle, David Gatwood, Matt Porter, Dan Malek, Troy Benjegerdes, and others. With more aquisitions to come, this puts MontaVista ( at the forefront of ppc embedded system software design. With more planned new hires, MontaVista is setting up a Monopoly of Minds. MontaVista is pretty much the first 'big player' in the ppc/linux marketplace and as such it will be interesting to see how they will be regarded by the members of the development community unaffiliated with them.”

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