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Time, Tide, and Standard Embedded Linux [RTC Magazine]

May 9, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Tom Williams, Editor-in-Chief of RTC Magazine, weighs in with a perspective on the Embedded Linux Consortium's embedded Linux “platform standard” — and on the future of the embedded Linux market. Williams writes . . .

” . . . The stated goal of the Consortium is to produce a specification for a standard platform for embedded Linux. That was also the stated goal of the Consortium last April when it met at ESC West. In the past year, very little progress has been made in producing an actual specification. It appears that the ELC is struggling with a number of issues, but the one that has not been addressed is, 'Is there really a point to having a standard platform for embedded Linux?' . . . “

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