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TimeSys announces support for Embedded Planet’s EP8260 SBC

Mar 6, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 2 views

Pittsburgh — (press release exerpt) — TimeSys Corporation today announced that it has extended support of its embedded Linux solution for the PowerPC family of processor architectures with the release of a board support package (BSP) for Embedded Planet's PowerPC-based EP8260. This is the first of a number of upcoming turnkey solutions from TimeSys and Embedded Planet, the EP8260 coupled with TimeSys… Linux offers embedded engineers a low-cost, reliable and flexible “out-of-the-box” solution for the development of embedded systems.

Targeted at meeting the system design requirements of the telecommunications industry, the TimeSys Linux BSP for the Embedded Planet EP8260 provides a complete embedded Linux solution. The Embedded Planet EP8260 Linux Kit is factory-configured with TimeSys Linux GPL burned directly into Flash to further minimize the time it takes an engineer to become productive. The TimeSys Linux GPL installed on the low cost, flexible and small form-factor Embedded Planet EP8260 board gives systems designers everything they need to get to market quickly.

The TimeSys EP8260 BSP features TimeSys Linux GPL, consisting of a fully featured preemptible kernel that extends a standard Linux distribution to support the predictable, extremely low-latency response requirements of embedded systems based on the PowerPC architecture. Also available are TimeSys modules that transform TimeSys Linux GPL to meet the performance requirements of applications ranging from handheld devices and telecommunication switches to process control and avionics. TimeSys Linux/Real-Time delivers additional capabilities to deliver full response predictability to TimeSys Linux GPL. TimeSys Linux/CPU and /Net provides capabilities for dynamic load handling and system overload protection. Used in conjunction with TimeSys' cross-platform development tools, TimeSys provides a complete embedded Linux-based solution for the Embedded Planet EP8260.

TimeSys' BSP for the Embedded Planet EP8260 delivers a complete solution for embedded engineers that include:

  • Support for the EP8260 for TimeSys' complete embedded-Linux product offering
  • Linux board-hosted GNU tool chains
  • PC-based Linux cross-platform GNU tool chains
  • Timing analysis core for use by TimeSys' event tracing and timing visualization tool: TimeTrace
  • Certified device drivers
  • User and API documentation
For Windows-based cross platform development, TimeSys will provide Embedded Planet customers with 60-day evaluation copies of:
  • TimeStorm: TimeSys' Windows-hosted Integrated Development Environment for cross-platform development
  • TimeTrace: a Windows-hosted tool for event tracing and timing visualization
  • TimeWiz: a Windows-hosted real-time analysis and simulation tool
The TimeSys BSP for the EP8260 is now available for download

TimeSys will be demonstrating the full range of capabilities of its embedded Linux operating system, development tools, and proprietary performance enhancing modules at the Embedded Systems Conference at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, March 12-16.

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