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TimeSys launches systems integrator partner program

Jul 8, 2004 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Embedded Linux specialist TimeSys Corp. inaugurated a Systems Integrator Partner Program today, aimed at expanding the availability of custom Linux development services based on its TimeSys-certified Linux technology components and its TimeStorm suite of development and testing tools. Additionally, the names of the program's first five members were announced: Amirix Systems, Dot4 Inc., Nissin Systems, Vanteon, and Vibren Technologies (an NEC company).

TimeSys says that the industry and application specific expertise of its Systems Integrator Partners can provide a better match to each customer's requirements for real-time, carrier-grade, consumer electronics, or other technology enhancements.

According to TimeSys, members of the TimeSys Partner Program will benefit from access to a broader customer base and development efficiencies through the use of TimeSys's technologies, and TimeSys customers will benefit from an expanding list of embedded Linux distributions and technology enhancements.

In addition to System Integrators, the TimeSys Partner Program also includes categories for Single Board Computer Manufacturers, Silicon Vendors, Value-Added Resellers, and Independent Software Vendors.

TimeSys CEO Larry Weidman said, “The custom Linux development and integration expertise of our SI partners enables our customers and embedded hardware partners to reduce the time it takes to get an embedded Linux distribution up and running on their hardware target, further reducing the time to market of their end product. And through the use of our TimeStorm tools and the code base of our TimeSys Linux software development kits, our SI partners will be able to rapidly develop new Linux SDKs and customize other commercial Linux distributions to meet our customers' needs.”

Amirix Systems CEO Sandra Greer said, “The certified Linux software components, tools, and expertise provided by the TimeSys Systems Integrator Partner Program give us a significant competitive advantage. The resources available through the partnership help us keep our development costs down, and enable us to provide TimeSys customers and partners with better and higher quality products faster.”

Dot4 CEO Michael Prevost said, “As a TimeSys System Integrator Partner, we will be able to provide our industry leading real-time software engineering services to a broader market of companies using the Linux operating system. We believe that TimeSys's real-time components and their industry leading TimeStorm development tools form a powerful combination for the embedded and real-time marketplace.”

Vanteon CEO David Wagner said, “Through our partnership with TimeSys, we are able to combine our expertise with TimeSys' development tools and Linux technology resources to offer Linux porting and customization services to a broader market of semiconductor and hardware manufacturers and end users.”

Vibren President and COO Bob Byrnes said, “Our inclusion in the TimeSys Systems Integrator Partner Program highlights our software expertise in the integration of Linux into embedded system designs, and we look forward to developing custom Linux solutions for TimeSys customers.”

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