TinyWidgets for Nano-X
Jul 6, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 14 viewsTinyWidgets is a 'C' based widget set designed to work with the Nano-X API. Nano-X is a part of the Microwindows project. TinyWidgets is shipped with a Glade-like GUI designer for rapidly developing applications. TinyWidgets currently includes the following widgets . . .
- Window
- Label
- Button
- Checkbutton
- Radiobutton
- Listbox
- Textbox (including a multi-line box).
- Menus (including Popup & Cascade menus).
- Picture container
- Scrollbars
- Progressbar
- Combobox
- A Raw Widget which the users can extend according to their needs.
- A uniform mechanism for creating widgets, registering widget callbacks and destroying widgets
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