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Upside: Lineo plays Pac Man in embedded Linux space

May 8, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Sam Williams, writing at UpsideToday, provides an interesting and insightful perspective on Lineo's business strategies, as well as on other recent news in the embedded Linux market. Williams writes . . .

“When it comes to company growth, few companies have been as eager or as aggressive in the embedded Linux space as Lineo. For the last six months, the Caldera Inc. spinoff has played corporate Pac Man, gobbling up smaller companies at a pace of one acquisition per month.”

“Growing the company should mean more acquisitions, says Sparks, a CEO who, like almost everybody else in the high tech industry nowadays, aspires to the Cisco Systems credo of success: Acquire early and acquire often.”

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