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USA Today: Could Linux outdo Windows?

Mar 9, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

Deborah Solomon writes in USA TODAY . . .

“When was looking for an operating system to power its Web site, the company — founded by former Microsoft and Amazon executives — bypassed Windows NT and turned instead to Linux.”

” . . . Yodlee's decision to entrust its business to Linux demonstrates how a free, open operating system has risen from an obscure plaything of hackers and engineers to become the darling of Web sites, Wall Street and hardware manufacturers across the globe.”

” . . . The groundswell of support is nothing less than a revolution, shaking up the software industry and posing a real threat to Microsoft. While Windows is in no immediate danger of losing its dominant position, analysts predict Linux will creep into many Internet-enabled devices and back-end systems over the next two years.”

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