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VA Linux Systems announces CompileFarm

Mar 8, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

VA Linux Systems, Inc., a leader in Linux and Open Source solutions, today introduced the SourceForge CompileFarm — a unique service that gives Open Source developers a convenient way to build and test applications on multiple versions of the Linux and BSD operating systems over the Internet. Other new features on SourceForge, the world's largest Open Source development center, include the SourceForge Patch Manager and Support Manager — two Web-based tools that make it easy for project administrators to manage code submissions and support requests.

The new services are offered as part of the programming, project management and communication tools available at no cost to Open Source software developers on SourceForge, located at Since its launch on January 4, 2000, SourceForge has grown steadily at a rate of about 15% per week. As of today, SourceForge hosts over 2,500 Open Source projects and more than 15,700 registered users.

The SourceForge CompileFarm

The SourceForge CompileFarm represents the latest leap in SourceForge's functionality, enabling developers to build and test applications on a wide range of Linux and BSD distributions easily over the Internet. Initially, the CompileFarm will allow testing on Red Hat Linux, Debian GNU/Linux, Caldera and Slackware, as well as FreeBSD, with plans to offer SuSE and numerous other distributions of the Linux and BSD operating systems over time.

The SourceForge CompileFarm is designed to make it easier for developers to reach a wider user base with less effort, saving both developers and end users the effort of manually testing and tailoring programs to work with each distribution. With the SourceForge CompileFarm, developers are able to switch to any supported distribution instantly for the purpose of compiling and testing their programs in multiple environments, all from a single command line.

“SourceForge is leading innovation in Open Source development by continuing to provide developers with unparalleled resources, such as the SourceForge CompileFarm,” said John T. Hall, vice president of services for VA Linux Systems. “The SourceForge CompileFarm also demonstrates VA Linux Systems' support for multiple distributions of Linux.”

For access to the SourceForge CompileFarm, please submit a support request via the Support Manager for the SourceForge site, which is linked from

The SourceForge Patch Manager and Support Manager

Two other new features on SourceForge, the SourceForge Patch Manager and Support Manager, are Web-based project administration tools.

The SourceForge Patch Manager gives project administrators an easy way to solicit and manage “patches”–pieces of source code contributed by members of the Open Source community to fix or enhance an existing code base. By using the Patch Manager, project administrators have a central place to gather code patches submitted by users; make the code submissions available for review by the entire development team; assign patch implementations to specific developers; and track the entire process. By facilitating the coordination, review and implementation of patches, the SourceForge Patch Manager helps developers avoid losing or misdirecting patches sent via email.

The SourceForge Support Manager tool gives project administrators the option to allow users to submit support requests for their individual projects. Project administrators can then assign requests to developers; track and ensure responses; and give histories of resolutions. The SourceForge team is now using its own Support Manager for the SourceForge site itself, resulting in more efficient responses to tech support requests.

About VA Linux Systems

Since 1993, VA Linux Systems has been a recognized leader in advancing Linux and Open Source solutions. VA Linux provides a single point of contact for Linux systems, Open Source software, and world-class professional services and support. VA Linux Systems owns and operates SourceForge, the world's largest Open Source development center, as well as and

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