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Vendor-neutral hands-on Embedded Linux Workshop

Oct 3, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Silicon Valley and San Clemente, CA — (press release) — The RTC Group and K Computing have teamed up to provide hands-on training in conjunction with the Embedded Linux Expo & Conference (ELEC), which is being held near Boston, MA on October 27, 2000. The hands-on workshop will be held one day prior to the Embedded Linux Expo and Conference — on Thursday, October 26, 2000.

In the full day vendor-neutral workshop, attendees will carefully walk through the process of creating a optimized embedded Linux system. The seminar will focus on open source software that is available on the Internet free of charge. Attendees will gain direct experience, by performing each step on their own in the workshop's hands-on lab set-up.

The procedure involves customizing a Linux kernel, building a file system, incorporating device drivers, creating a system image, controlling the boot process, and enabling custom applications. The workshop walks participants through the entire process of building a complete custom version of Linux that includes application software.

Examples of applications that will be discussed include embedded web servers, audio applications, and a web interface to the embedded Linux device. After this workshop, attendees will be able to customize Linux on their own to provide a minimal environment for custom applications.

Each attendee will receive a CD containing a complete Linux environment, and will build a bootable floppy that contains a complete small-footprint Linux system. While not required, attendees will benefit from prior Linux experience.

The workshop will be led by Dr. Kevin Dankwardt. Dr. Dankwardt is founder and President of K Computing, a Silicon Valley training and consulting firm. He has spent most of the last nine years designing, developing, and delivering technical training for such subjects as Unix system programming, Linux device drivers, real-time programming, and parallel programming for various organizations world-wide. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science, in 1988.

The workshop will be held at the Wyndham Hotel in Westborough, MA on Wednesday, October 26th, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The cost of the hands-on workshop is $595. Signup for the workshop here.

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