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Version 2.1.4 of GoAhead open source embedded webserver

Oct 18, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

Glendale, CA — (press release excerpt) — Art & Logic, the official support partner for GoAhead WebServer, announced the release of GoAhead WebServer 2.1.4. GoAhead WebServer 2.1.4 includes support for Mac OS X. The portable ANSI-C source code can be easily ported to additional platforms. The new version also includes bug fixes, including fixes for several security vulnerabilities.

GoAhead WebServer is maintained by Art & Logic, Inc. and the open source community. More than 500 developers download GoAhead WebServer source code each month. New releases are created through a collaborative process in a newsgroup, with project management and support provided by Art & Logic. The source code for version 2.1.4 is available for download from GoAhead Software's website.

GoAhead WebServer provides a compact, portable, and secure platform for serving web content from embedded devices. Complex embedded web applications can be created using the Device Management Framework, a product from Art & Logic. The Device Management Framework is a set of source code libraries that extend the capabilities of GoAhead WebServer, providing the features commonly needed by embedded product developers to create rich, dynamic web management interfaces.

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