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VoIP software to enable real-time multimedia interaction on PDAs

Mar 10, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Witnet International, Inc. announced plans to commercialize wireless VoIP phone technology for PDAs that will include the capability of real-time multimedia interaction between users during call sessions. The software, called ModaPhone, will support PDAs and other devices that run on embedded Linux or Windows CE operating systems.

According to Witnet, ModaPhone will allow making VoIP calls to other computers running the ModaPhone software — whether a PDA or a PC — or even to telephones or cell phones. The multimedia wireless “phone” function will work over wireless internet systems, such as the GPRS (TDMA) and CDMA IX networks, as well as 802.11 and Wi-Fi. The multimedia features or “modes” will include real-time whiteboard drawing, still image sharing, and video, making a PDA capable of being a wireless video-phone.

Witnet also said it plans to release a more secure version of ModaPhone called “SecureVoice”, which will be marketed to government and military customers.

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