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VR3 Linux PDA to be sold in the Netherlands

Jun 2, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Remember the Agenda Linux PDA? (If not, refer to the “related stories”, below.) The device was launched nearly three years ago with much fanfare, then appeared to target=”new”>vanish, and more recently appeared to be reborn. Now, an outfit in the Netherlands has announced that they are making the VR3 available for purchase, will provide support for the device, and are trying to jumpstart a developer community for creating VR3 apps.

Here is their brief announcement . . .

“VR3 is now available from Le Crab in the Netherlands. Le Crab is linked to, and wants to use this community to try and develop software for the VR3. Le Crab will also start some support for these PDA's. Please note that orders can take up to two or three weeks, as Le Crab just started selling these wonderful devices. Watch the site or reply via email for more details.”

The VR3 can apparently be purchased online from Le Crab's website for 110 Euros.

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