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Whitepaper: Intel’s vision for location-aware computing

Dec 3, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

Current and future applications for location-aware technologies, as envisioned by Intel, are discussed in this whitepaper by Sanjay Deshmukh, a standards architect in Intel's Corporate Technology Group (CTG), and John David Miller, who co-leads the location-aware computing initiative for Intel's Systems Technology Lab in CTG.

According to the whitepaper, location-aware computing will make mobile devices more effective and convenient, both at work and in the home. “With this technology, we're moving away from proprietary, closed location systems to the Internet, where location is just another piece of data. By using this data, applications can provide richer, more productive, and more rewarding user experiences,” conclude the whitepaper's authors.

The whitepaper is hosted on's sister site,

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