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Whitepaper: Linux’s Future in the Embedded Market

Jun 15, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Stephen Balacco, a senior analyst at Venture Development Corporation (VDC), has written a whitepaper entitled Linux's Future in the Embedded Market which summarizes the results of VDC's recently completed Embedded Linux market study. The whitepaper provides a market overview (including annual revenue projections) and discusses the future of Linux in the embedded market. Balacco writes . . .

“This paper is a brief summary of VDC's analysis of Linux's future in the embedded systems market. The base year for market data and analysis is 2000, with a five year forecast period through 2005. In this study, VDC presents data on the merchant market for embedded Linux operating systems and software development tools. The merchant market is defined as products produced and sold in the open market. It does not include products developed in-house by OEM developers for use in their own products.”

“The overall embedded market is undergoing a major transformation both in design and functionality. Networking technologies are becoming increasingly more important for embedded developers. Driven by the proliferation of the Internet and the increasing ubiquity of embedded computer systems, devices that can communicate with other devices are becoming dominant in the embedded market.”

“The Linux operating system has been available for years for servers and desktops, and has continued to gain market share in both of these computing segments. Helping to drive this growth and lend creditability to Linux are well established companies such as IBM, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Compaq, Oracle, and others. Linux, originally developed for the desktop and adapted for servers, is now making in-roads into the highly fragmented embedded market . . .”

Read full whitepaper

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