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WideOpenNews: Embedded Linux Looking Lively

May 3, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Satya Kuner, of Red Hat's WideOpenNews, has written a brief update on the current state of the embedded Linux market, from newly announced funding to new companies bounding onto the scene. Kuner writes . . .

“Interest in embedded Linux is gaining ground as devices — everything from handheld computers to door locks — get more complex. Advanced hardware requires advanced software, and Linux is a popular platform to go between thanks to its reliability, scalability, and ability to squeeze into small spaces. It's likely that embedded Linux will continue to gain momentum as key hindrances — such as the inability to execute real-time commands — are being solved elegantly.”

“But open sourcers beware: in the still-green embedded scene, Linux does not necessarily mean open source.”

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