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Will Linux find a home in handhelds? [LinuxWorld]

Mar 13, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

“Writing for Computerworld Singapore, Gerald Wee weighs in on the future of Linux PDAs . . .”

“Linux is making inroads into the PDA market with a number of handheld companies announcing support for the open source operating system. Lineo, which supplies the operating environment for a number of mobile devices, is upbeat about both its and the open source operating system's prospects in the handheld devices space.”

“While new to a market which already has established giants Palm and Microsoft operating systems battling it out for market share, Ishrat Hakim, Lineo's vice president Asia-Pacific sales and corporate development, believes Linux has the ability to hold its own in this ultra-competitive arena . . . Although he declines to name them, Hakim says that there are more hardware vendors — including some very recognizable brands — boarding the Linux bandwagon with designs for smart phones and PDAs.”

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