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Wind River sponsors embedded Linux seminar

May 5, 2004 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Wind River is sponsoring a seminar for VxWorks developers migrating to embedded Linux, and for embedded Linux developers having trouble executing projects. The one-day event will take place May 18, in Sunnyvale, Calif., and will be presented by embedded Linux and VxWorks consultant Thomas Besemer.

Besemer is a veteran embedded systems developer and trainer who previously gave seminars for Embedded Support Tools (EST) before it was acquired by Wind River.

Despite Wind River's sponsorship of the free event, the seminar will present a vendor-neutral view of embedded Linux, according to Besemer. If successful, additional events will take place throughout the country.

Wind River competitor MontaVista also sponsors vendor-neutral seminars evangelizing embedded Linux.

More details and an online registration form are available online. For additional embedded Linux and training events, be sure to check's Events listings.

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