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Wireless developers favor Java/J2ME over Win CE or Palm

Mar 6, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Santa Cruz, CA — (press release excerpt) — Wireless Developers will be primarily targeting Java and J2ME platforms in their application development, according to a new survey of over 500 developers active in wireless development by Evans Data Corp. Almost one-third of the developers interviewed in January of 2001 will target Java and J2ME. In second place is Palm with 24.5%, followed by Windows CE which was selected by 22.3% of developers. The survey also shows that there is a heavier concentration of Java users among wireless developers than in the general development population.

This new survey series will be released later this week. The Wireless Developer Survey contains primary research with over 500 wireless developers. This series is conducted twice a year. The report has more than 120 pages that describe which technologies wireless developers are adopting; which hardware devices they are deploying on; what types of wireless apps they are creating; which standards are being used; which tools they need, and much more.

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