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Writing GTK+ Programs with the Free Pascal Compiler [Linux Journal]

Apr 11, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

In this online article from Linux Journal, Ralph Krause explains how to develop a temperature conversion application program that demonstrates some of the features of using GTK+ and the Free Pascal compiler. Krause writes . . .

“Being a fan of Delphi/Pascal for Windows programming, I have been curious about the Free Pascal project for quite some time. Free Pascal is an object-oriented compiled language that has been in development since 1993. I've also been interested in writing GUI applications for Linux, which recently prompted me to give Free Pascal a try. This article will briefly explain, based on my (limited) experience, how to write graphical applications using the GIMP Took Kit (GTK+) and the Free Pascal compiler on Linux . . .”

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