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Xbox now a Linux PC [ZDNet / The Register]

Sep 6, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

[Updated 8:30 AM PDT] ZDNet and The Register are reporting that the Xbox Linux Project has succeeded in turning the Microsoft's Xbox into a PC desktop computer running SuSE 8.0 . . .

From The Register . . .

“The Xbox Linux Project has now produced a tutorial on installing SuSE 8.0 on an Xbox, and from the look of it, although getting SuSE running is something of a triumph, the Project still has a way to go before it can be said to have turned the Xbox into a cheap, low-hassle Linux client . . . “

Read full Register story

From ZDNet . . .

“That is the effect, at least, of a breakthrough by the Xbox Linux Project, which on Monday said it had managed to boot a version of the Linux operating system on the Xbox. Project members said they had loaded SuSE Linux 8 on the machine, along with the graphical user interface software Gnome and KDE, KMail email software and the StarOffice office suite . . . “

“Michael Steil, the project maintainer, said that Xbox Linux is less about attacking Microsoft than about opening up the possibilities of the console's hardware to uses other than those hard-wired into it. 'We are computer enthusiasts and we think it is fun doing this,' he said . . . “

Read full CNET story

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