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Zaurus Fails to Deliver on its Promises [Wall Street Journal]

Apr 11, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Comparing the first commercially available Sharp Zaurus Linux-based PDA with more established Palm devices, Walter Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal highlights some 'disadvantages' of the Sharp Zaurus. Mossberg describes the user interface as 'dense and complex, like on a PC', reports problems synchronizing the Zaurus with his Windows XP laptop, and cites a lack of available applications as key issues.

A few bright spots include . . .

“The Zaurus has some good points. The screen is bright and vivid, as long as you keep its backlight on. There is an abundance of applications, including several that allow you to read Microsoft Office documents. It plays audio and video, and can handle e-mail and the Web, with an optional wireless modem. The battery is removable. And the keyboard features large, well-spaced keys. It has two expansion slots . . .”

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