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Zaurus PDA has all kind of potential, but some small problems

Apr 4, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

David Cafaro examines both the pros and the cons of the Sharp Zaurus in this online article over at Cafaro concludes that, although there are some notable deficiencies, they aren't anything that can't be fixed — especially with the power of the open source community applied to the task. Cafaro writes . . .

“I've been playing with my new Linux-powered Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 PDA since last Thursday and I wanted to pass along my impressions so far. First off, I have to say this is the coolest little gadget since sliced bread. I have lived with a Palm IIIx for almost three years as my steadfast companion, but this device just blows my mind with its potential.”

“Secondly, I have to say that the Zaurus is far from perfect. There are 'gotchas' a-plenty that I will elaborate on later . . .”

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