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ZDNet acquires Free Software and Open Source download site!

Nov 2, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

News flash: We are proud to welcome AppWatch, featuring Free Software and Open Source announcements and download links, to the ZDNet family. Henry Kingman, Producer of ZDNet's Linux Resource Center, writes . . .

As producer of ZDNet's Linux Resource Center, I am proud to announce that ZDNet, part of CNet Networks, has just acquired AppWatch, the premiere Free Software and Open Source software announcement and download site.

AppWatch stands out for two reasons. First, it tracks only currently maintained Free Software and Open Source projects. You can depend on the fact that if you find it at AppWatch, the package is actively maintained and popular with many users. There are no bait-and-switch commercial demos, and alpha and beta versions are clearly labeled as such.

Secondly, AppWatch works like a search engine spider to detect new versions of software minutes after they are released. For that reason, you'll almost always see the news about new releases first at

We have already started to integrate AppWatch into the ZDNet family of Web sites. You can pay it a visit at, or you can visit our Downloads page. Our downloads page offers a live feed of the very latest announcements from the AppWatch homepage, as well as a browsable software category index that includes:

We hope that you enjoy using AppWatch as much as we've enjoyed working with AppWatch creator J.D. Rowell to make this deal happen.

— Henry Kingman, ZDNet Linux Producer

This article was originally published on and has been donated to the open source community by QuinStreet Inc. Please visit for up-to-date news and articles about Linux and open source.

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