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ZDNet Bluetooth special report: “The truth gets worse”

Jun 4, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

ZDNet has published a “special report” on Bluetooth wireless technology, examing its promises, successes, failures, and future. Topics include . . .

  • Why has 802.11 flourished and Bluetooth failed?
  • The Bluetooth truth hurts
  • Is Microsoft's 'works with our stuff only' warning for real?
  • To Java Bluetooth will go?
  • Bluetooth SIG executive director fires… back at ZDNet

Quoting from the introduction . . .

“Despite the promise it holds for being the first wireless cable replacement technology that's based on interoperable standards and that doesn't require line of site like InfraRed, Bluetooth is suffering its share of setbacks. After executives from the Bluetooth Special Interest Group left ZDNet executive editor David Berlind's home office scratching their chins over a series of failed interoperability demonstrations, the plot thickened. ZDNet readers wrote in with tales of their own failures, and of how Microsoft's Bluetooth-based keyboards and mice work only with Microsoft-branded Bluetooth transceivers. Is Bluetooth drowning, or will it eventually come up for air? . . .”

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