Article: ZDNet Review: Sharp Zaurus SL-5500
Apr 12, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — viewsReviewing the new Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 for ZDNet, Colin Duwe examines the benefits of Linux in the device. Proclaiming the new PDA a 'budding competitor' Duwe writes . . .
“On the surface, Sharp appears to have made all the right moves with its new Zaurus SL-5500. Not only has the company combined an outstanding, cutting-edge hardware design with top-flight components and the Linux operating system, but Sharp has gotten software developers excited about the device, and there are already quite a few polished applications available for this handheld . . . “
“The $499 SL-5500 has much to recommend it, especially its hidden thumb keyboard. By and large, the quirks and flaws we found are software related and could theoretically be fixed by Sharp or industrious developers. However, as of now, nontechies should probably stick to easier-to-use Pocket PCs such as Audiovox's Maestro PDA-1032. If and when Sharp corrects the SL-5500's software issues, we'll update our review and consider upping its rating. But until then, we aren't quite ready to call this a Pocket PC killer — a budding competitor, yes, but a killer, no.”
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