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Archive for October, 2001

Handspring readies all-in-one wireless gadgets [ZDNet]

October 12, 2001

Ian Fried and Richard Shim of ZDNet News report that Handspring plans on Monday to announce devices that combine a handheld organizer, a cell phone and Web browsing, delivering on promises to become more focused on wireless communications. Fried and Shim write . . . (more…)

New small footprint C-based UPnP stack supports Linux

October 12, 2001

Fort Lauderdale, FL — (press release excerpt) — Metro Link, Inc. today announced the release of Metro EnableWorks UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) Software Development Kits (SDKs) supporting the C and C++ programming languages on the Linux and VxWorks platforms. Metro Link's C-based UPnP protocol stack at just 55K includes a full HTTP server, GENA, SOAP and all of the other components required for a full… (more…)

GNU Bayonne telephony project hits 7th major milestone

October 12, 2001

David Sugar maintainer of the GNU Bayonne project provided the following announcement to the community . . . (more…)

Can you make the switch from Windows? [developerWorks]

October 11, 2001

Like many users of PCs, you may be considering the switch to Linux. You've heard all the arguments about the economic viability and cross-platform compatibility of open source software in general and Linux in particular, but you may still be intimidated by the prospect of changing environments. (more…)

A developer’s review of MontaVista’s Hard Hat Linux SDK

October 11, 2001

This article is the second in's new series of reviews, by software developer Jerry Epplin, of Embedded Linux toolkits. In order to gain insight into the use of each toolkit from the developer's perspective, Epplin builds Embedded Linux OS images for three different x86-based EBX form-factor single board computers using each toolkit. (more…)

IBM and Citizen Watch develop Linux-based “WatchPad”

October 11, 2001

IBM Research and Citizen Watch have announced a collaboration through which Linux-based “WatchPad” prototypes and related technologies are being developed. This news item provides a copy of the two companies' announcement, along with a fact sheet on the first Linux-based WatchPad prototype (plus photos of the prototype) . . . (more…)

Article: A developer’s review of MontaVista’s Hard Hat Linux SDK

October 10, 2001

Foreword: This article is the second in's new series of reviews, by software developer Jerry Epplin, of Embedded Linux toolkits. In order to gain insight into the use of each toolkit from the developer's perspective, Epplin builds Embedded Linux OS images for three different x86-based EBX form-factor single board computers using each toolkit. (more…)

3G devices to support Linux OS [ZDNet]

October 10, 2001

ZDNet's Graeme Wearden reports that Texas Instruments' plans to make its OMAP wireless platform Linux-friendly means that Nokia, Ericsson, Sony and Sendo could use the open source operating system in their 3G wireless devices. Wearden writes . . . . (more…)

Linux PDA Focus Group to be held in NJ on Friday, Oct. 12

October 10, 2001

Jason Perlow submitted the following announcement to the community on behalf of Sharp Electronics . . . (more…)

Article: Sneak preview: a Linux powered wireless phone

October 9, 2001

Wildseed Ltd. (formerly GITWiT) is currently developing a Linux-based wireless handset which combines communications and entertainment within a uniquely customizable two-part design. The Kirkland, WA based company plans to initially aim the device at the lucrative teen market, by offering a colorful phone with cool teen-oriented capabilities. (more…)

TI adds Linux support to OMAP wireless platform

October 9, 2001

Dallas, TX — (press release excerpt) — Texas Instruments (TI) today announced that its OMAP wireless architecture will support the Linux operating system. (more…)

Sneak preview: a Linux powered wireless phone

October 9, 2001

This “sneak preview” profiles a unique new Linux-based wireless phone which combines communications and entertainment within a customizable two-part design. Its maker intends to initially market the device to the “teen market”, offering a colorful phone with cool teen-oriented capabilities. (more…)

MyLinux Pocket Linux Workstation beta units offered for sale

October 9, 2001

Glendale, Arizona — (press release excerpt) — The MyLinux Pocket Linux Workstation project, a 100% Open Source Project sponsored by Arizona Cooperative Power, LLC, is accepting advanced purchase orders for its Wide Beta Version MyLinux Pocket Linux Workstation (PLW). (more…)

Gateway and browser software support WAP 2.0

October 8, 2001

Bangalore, India — (press release excerpt) — Jataayu Software recently announced the release of WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) 2.0 versions of its gateway and browser software. WAP forum, an international forum on Wireless Technologies, announced WAP 2.0 specifications in August this year. (more…)

Translator runs x86 binaries on MIPS CPUs “at native speeds”

October 8, 2001

San Diego, CA — (press release excerpt) — Transitive Technologies today announced the availability of Dynamite X/M, the first CPU translation and optimization software engine that enables software written for legacy x86-based platforms to run transparently on the patented, industry-standard MIPS32 and MIPS64 instruction set architectures (ISAs). (more…)