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Archive for March, 2003

Linux Magazine interview with Linus Torvalds

March 3, 2003

Linux Magazine has published an interesting interview with Linux creator Linus Torvalds. The discussion ranges widely and offers some insight into Torvalds' personality, thought process, and approach to decisions which impact the evolution of the Linux kernel. Topics covered include: Linux's USB, memory management, and virtual memory support; what the next release will be called (2.6 or 3.0?),… (more…)

GNU X-Tools update expands ARM support

March 3, 2003

(PR excerpt) — Microcross today released GNU X-Tools ARM / Thumb Toolsuite v3.2, which now supports all ARM variants. This GNU distribution is the latest stable toolsuite based on GNU GCC v3.2 and is derived from the standard distribution of GNU tools, which supports more hosts and target processors than any embedded development toolsuite in existence. (more…)

Study shows embedded developers favor 32-bit CPUs, VxWorks, Linux

March 3, 2003

Electronic Times Asia reports that 46% of embedded developers are currently using 32-bit microprocessors in their designs and 55% plan to use them in future projects, according to a recently completed study entitled Embedded Systems Development Trends: Asia. Additionally, 31% of the developers polled are currently using VxWorks and 21% percent are using Linux, the study indicated. (more…)

EDC: Embedded Linux remains #1 choice of developers — despite tools dissatisfaction

March 3, 2003

In a recently concluded survey of embedded developer preferences, Evans Data Corp. (EDC) found that Embedded Linux remains the top embedded OS choice among developers, but that developers are not particularly satisfied with the available Embedded Linux toolsets. (more…)