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Archive for March, 2003

Version of LynxOS POSIX RTOS targeting DO-178B is launched

March 5, 2003

LynuxWorks has launched LynxOS-178, a new version of the company's POSIX-compliant LynxOS real-time operating system (RTOS) that is said to be certifiable to the DO-178B level A U.S. FAA (Federal Aeronautics Administration) standard. The standard is commonly used to qualify safety-critical electronic systems for the military and aerospace industry. (more…)

Sun boasts 1 million downloads for JXTA P2P comm standard

March 5, 2003

Sun Microsystems announced today that more than one million developers have downloaded Project JXTA from the Sun Web site. JXTA encompasses a set of XML-based open protocols for peer-to-peer network computing applications and is, according to Sun, “the only open source, standards-based, peer-to-peer technology that supports collaboration and communication on any networked device anywhere, anytime.” … (more…)

OpenGL embedded graphics draft standard showcased at GDC

March 5, 2003

At the Game Developers Conference this week in San Jose, CA, The Khronos Group is showcasing demos of a new draft standard called the embedded subset of OpenGL (“OpenGL ES”) from several of its… (more…)

Qtopia 1.6 released

March 5, 2003

(PR excerpt) — Trolltech today released Qtopia 1.6, an embedded Linux application platform, and announced that there are now over 1000 third-party Qtopia applications available. (more…)

Intel’s dizzying array of upcoming mobile Pentiums

March 5, 2003

Confused by terms like “Banias,” “Centrino,” “Dothan,” “Mobile Pentium 4 M,” . . . ? During the next twelve months, Intel will release 14 different mobile microprocessors and two chipsets. Think you'll have trouble keeping that roadmap straight? Have no fear. Mark Hachman of ExtremeTech decodes the different mobile Pentium processors and their dizzying array of speed grades of up to 3.2-GHz. (more…)

Sony PlayStation 2 gets Debian-based Linux distro

March 5, 2003

xRhino has released BlackRhino, a Debian-based Linux operating system for the Sony PlayStation 2 (PS2) game console. xRhino developed BlackRhino in the course of creating a game title for the PS2, and is “releasing this distribution at no charge to the general public in the hopes that the [Linux] PS2 development community will continue to grow,” according to xRhino president Manu Sporny. (more…)

Survey says: ELC platform spec will expand use of embedded Linux

March 4, 2003

According to a “quick survey” taken during the past two weeks of visitors to's website, developers overwhelmingly believe that the Embedded Linux Consortium's recently released embedded Linux platform specification is valuable, and that it will help accelerate the growing use of Linux in embedded systems and devices. (more…)

GCC Developer’s Summit issues call for participation

March 4, 2003

An announcement from the GCC Developer's Summit . . .

We are happy to announce that the GCC Developer's Summit is now officially going ahead and will take place from May 25th to May 27th, 2003 in Ottawa, Canada. The GCC Developers Summit is an opportunity for the core developers of all parts of the GNU Compiler Collection to meet. (more…)

800 MHz PPC PrPMC SBC embeds Linux

March 4, 2003

Force Computers has announced a tiny — but powerful — computer module that is based single or dual 800 MHz PowerPC 750FX processors and is built to the “processor PCI mezzanine card” (PrPMC) form-factor (5.9 in. x 2.9 in.) specification. The module comes with ready-to-use support for operation under either embedded Linux or VxWorks. (more…)

Article: Survey says: ELC platform spec will expand use of embedded Linux

March 4, 2003

According to a “quick survey” taken during the past two weeks of visitors to's website, developers overwhelmingly believe that the Embedded Linux Consortium's recently released embedded Linux platform specification is valuable, and that it will help accelerate the growing use of Linux in embedded systems and devices. (more…)

Embedded Linux remains #1 choice of developers — despite tools dissatisfaction

March 3, 2003

[Updated 5:45 pm PST] — In a recently concluded survey of embedded developer preferences, Evans Data Corp. (EDC) found that Embedded Linux remains the top embedded OS choice among developers, but that developers are not particularly satisfied with the available Embedded Linux toolsets. (more…)

uClibc 0.9.19 is released

March 3, 2003

An announcement from the uClibc project . . .

CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability of uClibc 0.9.19. This is once again primarily a bug-fix release. Several critical problems with system calls were fixed, the pthreads library was improved, debugging of applications using uClibc's pthreads library is now possible (requires compiling gdb 5.3 or newer using… (more…)

ISS discovers Remote Sendmail header processing vulnerability

March 3, 2003

Internet Security Systems (ISS) X-Force reported today that it has discovered a buffer overflow vulnerability in the Sendmail Mail Transfer Agent (MTA). Sendmail is the most common MTA and has been documented to handle between 50% and 75% of all Internet email traffic, ISS said. (more…)

Linux TCP/IP protocol stack defect report available

March 3, 2003

Reasoning Inc. is making the results of its defect inspection of the Linux TCP/IP protocol stack available for public download. The study, first reported last month, concluded that the TCP/IP protocol stack implementation in Linux kernel version 2.4.19 exhibited a very low defect density as compared to several commercial… (more…)

TI says new smartphone chip boosts security, supports Linux

March 3, 2003

Texas Instruments (TI) says the latest additions to its TCS family of chipsets for mobile devices offer the industry's first hardware-based security features, thereby providing the capability for enhanced protection against viruses and improved security of m-commerce and financial transactions. (more…)